Offers headline news stories in Arabic with a plethora of tools to help translate them into English. Daily and Weekly practices, as well as quizzes and translation/pronunciation services can be found at the link below.
ACON Verb Conjugator
An online tool for using root letters to show the different forms of Arabic verbs.
Desert-Sky provides learners with vocabulary and grammar materials as well as basic information about the Arabic language as a whole. All lessons are in Modern Standard Arabic with additional resources for Egyptian Arabic.
Funded by the European Union, this website is a comprehensive introduction to Arabic grammar and vocabulary with lessons ranging from verb conjugation to lessons on the root and pattern system. Free lessons are provided with premium products and services offered as well.
Arabic Study Circle
Offers pdf lessons for all levels as well as textbooks, workbooks, and additional resources at no charge.
Everyday Arabic
A website dedicated to daily Arabic lessons, with a long list of exercises, grammar/vocab charts and pdf files for further reading. Most on the website is free, but offers premium lessons as well.
This website is frequently updated with news videos and articles, providing the vocabulary for each article in Arabic and English.
Italki pairs language students with native speakers for conversation practice. Italki is completely free and services multiple languages, but requires a webcam.
A comprehensive list of children’s books targeting those who are hoping to improve their Arabic.
Yamli Tools
A massive collection of educational websites. Includes: Links to free full-length university courses offered online, studies in the Quran, vocabulary and grammar of Modern Standard Arabic as well as spoken and classical varieties, information on Arab culture, practice writing the Arabic script, an introductory course in Arabic calligraphy, as well as numerous other resources for learners of all levels.
A website with links to watch Arab TV from numerous countries in real time.
An interesting website that provides videos discussing grammar and vocabulary while also providing links to poetry and music in Arabic with English subtitles.