
Applications now open for QFI Arabic Study Awards! View this email in your browser QFI Arabic Study Award applications now open! Apply by April 15, 2016 . As part of its mission to foster strong and genuine connections between cultures, QFI’s Arabic Language and Culture (ALC) Program supports except… 

At this page you will find fellowships, scholarships, grants, and other funding opportunities for Arabic teachers or teachers seeking certification in the State of Michigan.


Qatar Foundation International Teacher Fellowships:

“Dear Colleagues,

Qatar Foundation International (QFI) is pleased to announce that applications for Teacher Fellowships for the 2015-2016 academic year are now open.

As part of its overall mission to expand and improve the teaching of K-12 Arabic in the United States, QFI offers Teacher Fellowship grants for current or prospective K-12 teachers to become certified in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language. These fellowships provide up to $25,000 toward tuition and fees for programs that will lead to licensure or certification to teach Arabic in U.S. public or public charter schools.

The goal of QFI’s Teacher Fellowship program is to develop a strong cohort of highly trained teachers who will be leaders in the field of K-12 Arabic education, and the program provides participating teachers with significant professional development opportunities. Each Fellow is paired with an experienced mentor, who will provide guidance throughout the Fellow’s program of study and into the first year of teaching. Fellows commit to teaching Arabic for three years in a K-12 public or public charter school.

How to Apply

Please read the Teacher Fellowship Announcement carefully to confirm your eligibility and understand the application requirements, then fill out the Teacher Fellowship Application. Your final application, including supporting documents, must be submitted through QFI’s Grants Management Portal by January 31, 2015.Feel free to circulate this announcement widely, and do not hesitate to contact us with any questions at arabic@qfi.org.We look forward to reading many excellent applications!

Arabic Language and Culture Program
Qatar Foundation International”

Arabic Study Awards 2015-2016

As part of its mission to foster strong and genuine connections between cultures, QFI’s Arabic Language and Culture (ALC) Program supports exceptional high school seniors and undergraduate students to continue the study of the Arabic language at the university level in 2015-2016. Through QFI’s Education Awards program, students who demonstrate academic excellence and leadership potential receive financial support to further their studies.

Between 2011 and 2014, seventeen Education Awards were given. In 2015-2016, QFI will offer merit and need-based awards in amounts of $10,000 and $20,000. The deadline to apply for QFI’s Arabic Study Awards is April 30, 2015.

QFI’s Academic Excellence Awards will be granted to two outstanding high school seniors in the United States who plan to major in (1) Arabic language studies or (2) Middle East Studies with a concentration or minor in Arabic language at a university/college starting in fall 2015.  This award is issued on a merit basis through a national competition. Awardees will receive a one-time grant of up to $20,000 towards tuition for the first year of their university/college education. Applicants will be evaluated based on their academic records, letters of recommendation, and personal statements. Read more about how to apply for this award here.

QFI Education Awards (High School) will be granted to graduating high school seniors in the United States who plan to major in (1) Arabic language studies or (2) Middle East Studies with a concentration or minor in Arabic language starting in fall 2015.  Merit and financial need will be taken into consideration when selecting awardees. Award amounts will be determined by unmet financial need, as determined by FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and your university or college financial aid statement. Awardees will receive a one-time grant of up to $10,000 towards tuition for the 2015-2016 academic year. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that their intended university/college offers advanced-level courses in the Arabic language. Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their academic records, letters of recommendation, and personal statements. Read more about how to apply for this award here.

QFI Education Awards (Undergraduate) will be granted to exceptional rising university-level juniors and seniors in the United States who have declared a major in (1) Arabic language studies or (2) Middle East Studies with a concentration or minor in Arabic language.  Merit and financial need will be taken into consideration when selecting awardees. Award amounts will be determined by unmet financial need, as determined by FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and your university/college financial aid package. Awardees will receive a one-time grant of up to $10,000 towards tuition for the 2015-2016 academic year. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that their intended university/college offers advanced-level courses in the Arabic language. Applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their academic records, letters of recommendation, and personal statements. Read more about how to apply for this award here.

To learn more about these awards or to begin applying please follow the link below.



If you have any questions, please contact Madison Marks, QFI Program Associate via email at arabic@qfi.org.